Join the community of 700+ happy customers
S T O I C has been the #1 selling HTML template in ThemeWagon for last two years. It has more than 700 customers who build 1000s of websites till date. In 2017 we’ve made the WordPress theme keeping the same design for the Themeforest community. It’s become more powerful, robust and truly multipurpose with customizer and visual composer. It’s a beautiful WordPress theme to build multipurpose websites like business, agency, personal, portfolio, consultancy and more.

STOIC is a powerful, user-friendly design tool.
STOIC gives you the flexibility to develop a cutting-edge, clean design. The demos are built with the options from the theme, so you don’t need any extra coding work to make any sections or pages like the demo ones. You can easily build your own unique design though the visual composer.
Easy to Customize, Powerful & Robust
Over 20 interface blocks, 50+ demo pages and Visual ComposerVisual Composer
Included Visual Composer, use to create and customize any pages quickly. All our HTML codes are well-organized and SEO ready.
20+ Unique Sections
S T O I C has 20+ different sections. With the power of visual composer, you can make more.
Bootstrap Powered
S T O I C is 100% responsive and mobile-friendly. It has Twitter Bootstrap framework in the core. It will work smoothly on mobile and tablets.
Easy to Customize
S T O I C has easy navigation. Without coding knowledge, you can build a website easily, effortlessly.
Online Documentation
Use the online documentation when you are stuck. The documentation is easy to use.
Friendly Support
We will be there for any of your support or help. Just let us know and we will be back to you with the right solution you need